2nd October
This is probably the 6th Saturday that we GHG has been meeting on Saturday Morning 7:15 AM. Today it was only me and Sanjay who met. We visited the Hilltop and had a look at the work Amol and his colleagues did in last week.
In the evening the Green Hills Group met at Mr. Marathe's house on Law College Road, to take a demo of a software that is being developed to manage trees (as assets) - the application has been built by using C Shark by Indigen Technologies which is a small software company owned by Mr. Sanjay Suryavanshi. The application allows for uploading data from about a tree - the location / coordinates using a GPS device, the tree name, the logical group it belongs to, image and many other relevant attributes which help identify and describe the tree. It also allows to record actions such as "watering" or "add fertilizers" etc. which acts as log / history of the tree. The application also allows for upload of data in batch. The data about these trees can also be overlayed on "Google Maps/Images" and this brings all the features that Google Maps application offers at the fingertips. The Search allows for viewing one or more tree/s based on a selection criteria in the application and also locate it on he Google map. In short it s an "asset management solution" for trees.
The GHG team came up with several suggestions on what could be the features some of them included
NGOs : NGOs like GHG could use this software for managing the operations related to growing trees like - watering,mulching, manure, digging trenches or soil softening. The application could also be used to keep a count of the trees planted, what species
exist where etc..
Botanists / Environmentalists : This could be an application to track, manage and maintain bio-diversity in the region. The data could be used for academic and research purposes.
Sponsors - The corporates sponsoring the plantations could get a view of how their donations/funds have reaped results. There is also a case for recording carbon credits these corporates have acquired - which in turn could help them get tax reliefs or get some publicity and good will with society / media. If more corporates start subscribing to this, it will in turn help the NGOs to get funds and involvement from the industry.
The software could also be used for commercial purposes, for example manage assets (trees/plants) in an Orchard.

This is probably the 6th Saturday that we GHG has been meeting on Saturday Morning 7:15 AM. Today it was only me and Sanjay who met. We visited the Hilltop and had a look at the work Amol and his colleagues did in last week.
In the evening the Green Hills Group met at Mr. Marathe's house on Law College Road, to take a demo of a software that is being developed to manage trees (as assets) - the application has been built by using C Shark by Indigen Technologies which is a small software company owned by Mr. Sanjay Suryavanshi. The application allows for uploading data from about a tree - the location / coordinates using a GPS device, the tree name, the logical group it belongs to, image and many other relevant attributes which help identify and describe the tree. It also allows to record actions such as "watering" or "add fertilizers" etc. which acts as log / history of the tree. The application also allows for upload of data in batch. The data about these trees can also be overlayed on "Google Maps/Images" and this brings all the features that Google Maps application offers at the fingertips. The Search allows for viewing one or more tree/s based on a selection criteria in the application and also locate it on he Google map. In short it s an "asset management solution" for trees.
The GHG team came up with several suggestions on what could be the features some of them included
- Allow for updating of a selected group of trees in one go.
- Have a schedule for activities round the year to be performed for a plant, and send alerts when a certain activity is coming up or delayed / slipped.
- Record events such as Rains OR extreme temperature conditions.
- The software should be made available on internet / cloud so that anyone wanting to view/record/update the data should be able to do with ease.
NGOs : NGOs like GHG could use this software for managing the operations related to growing trees like - watering,mulching, manure, digging trenches or soil softening. The application could also be used to keep a count of the trees planted, what species
exist where etc..
Botanists / Environmentalists : This could be an application to track, manage and maintain bio-diversity in the region. The data could be used for academic and research purposes.
Sponsors - The corporates sponsoring the plantations could get a view of how their donations/funds have reaped results. There is also a case for recording carbon credits these corporates have acquired - which in turn could help them get tax reliefs or get some publicity and good will with society / media. If more corporates start subscribing to this, it will in turn help the NGOs to get funds and involvement from the industry.
The software could also be used for commercial purposes, for example manage assets (trees/plants) in an Orchard.

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