Monday, January 24, 2011

The green cover on SurveyNo. 102 in danger

It was only early last week that I got aware of a notice that has been published in economic times about ARAI having plans to construct a testing track and a lab on Survey no. 102 property which was originally declared as Hilltop / hillslope reservated for no construction. The reservation originally laid in 1987, is proposed to be removed to allow for construction of the lab - built up of 35435sqm

Sigma One residents had a brief meeting on Saturday, we decided to seek more information about the matter and possibly meet the ARAI in this regard - not to necessarily object, but to understand what plans they have and how it affects us as a society and also consider to work with them to make the hill slope behind Sigma greener.

Green Hills Group will be seeking information about what the plan is from the commissioner's office today (24th Jan) and also meeting ARAI in next couple of weeks. In any case, the group will also be submitting the objection to this move by end of the day tomorrow. This will at least delay the matters to allow for further discussions. This however will jeoperdise the support we are getting from ARAI to the plantation we have done on the Hilltop.

There are several other citizen bodies and political leaders objecting this deletion

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